Aged old question on Income vs Capital
The ability to argue for or against capital is a skill. It is not gifted, it comes with sweat and hard work. Tax cases are historical. It has part of the answer and provides the framework and thinking process.
There are so many new things being introduced each day. We post latest hot content so that you can know them immediately with least effort.
The ability to argue for or against capital is a skill. It is not gifted, it comes with sweat and hard work. Tax cases are historical. It has part of the answer and provides the framework and thinking process.
One of the key issues to address is if dividends banked into Malaysia account will be taxed?
Do you trade US shares or crypto? If yes, beware Budget 2022 makes huge tax changes to foreign sourced income. Government can now legally get a cut of that profit.
There is a new section being added to Income Tax Act 1967 especially on “Failure to Furnish Comtemporaneous Transfer Pricing Documentation”
The Finance Act 2020 was gazette just before the new year (31 December 2020), with effective date of 1 January 2021. 😅
There are two very important power tax authority now has. They make transfer pricing so important effective from 1 January 2021.
Knowing how IRB will conduct their Transfer Pricing is important. It is like a student sitting for the exam, this audit framework is akin to the exam syllabus 😁. Knowing the syllabus you will be well prepared and ready when the audit letter arrived. 😇
“Renovation & Refurnishment is one of the most exciting tax deduction available in 2020/2021. We are looking at RM 300,000. That’s a big sum to claim 🥰. No more guessing required. the gazette order has been published [PU(A) 381/2020] just before the new year. There is some bad news to this.
Compulsory Transfer Pricing Documentation 🥵? 2021 is finally here, this new rule starts 1 Jan 2021. Transfer Pricing documentation is not new in Malaysia. But “Compulsory” is a new addition. What is so significant about this? Well in your tax return for, IRB wants you to tick whether you prepare the documentation or not.
Remember when PENJANA was launched on 5 June 2020, there is a special tax incentive to encourage investors in the manufacturing sector to relocate their manufacturing facilities to Malaysia?
MIDA has issued a guideline on the special tax incentive under PENJANA.
New to Synergy TAS ?