
Proin dui sodales imperdiet sit sapien fames

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent lobortis lacus id quam volutpat mattis. Donec id nunc pretium, ultrices justo vitae, condimentum urna. Mauris egestas, leo sit amet auctor sodales, nulla enim porttitor metus, quis lacinia quam lorem id arcu. Aenean facilisis pretium eros, non tempus neque consectetur eu. Nulla vel dolor non nulla rutrum luctus.

[hr height=”15″ style=”zigzag” line=”default” themecolor=”1″]

Suspendisse adipiscing. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et interdum dui ut turpis vulputate sed, rutrum lorem. Cras a nunc. Donec nisl ac turpis eget massa. Integer magna orci vel neque ut lacus vestibulum ac, mattis eros. Mauris lobortis facilisis. Phasellus pulvinar felis, nec malesuada tincidunt, risus libero, pharetra ante pretium cursus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse fermentum suscipit mauris. Praesent consequat. Integer gravida eros ut ante. Proin vulputate in, odio. Donec eleifend velit. Suspendisse eget metus. Proin non mattis vel, ornare quam. Aliquam vitae mauris. Nam eu nunc ut urna. Pellentesque fringilla gravida. Duis luctus metus et velit sit amet nunc libero, fermentum quis, porttitor ullamcorper, risus arcu erat volutpat. Phasellus dignissim.

Pellentesque suscipit urna mauris, interdum dapibus ac, rhoncus purus, dictum a, euismod id, felis. Fusce blandit eu, ullamcorper in, iaculis et, ultricies lobortis velit. Mauris imperdiet, urna mi, gravida sodales. Vivamus hendrerit nulla erat ornare tortor in vestibulum id, eleifend neque odio fermentum vel, consectetuer at, imperdiet sapien. Donec blandit, dui eu diam. In gravida ornare. Nullam accumsan. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent feugiat. Cum sociis natoque.

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Tan Lee Ling
Tax Consultant by training in the Big Four and trained several years with Dr Choong. Being a Chartered Accountant with a law degree. Specialised in compliance, tax planning and tax investigation in her early years. Being in tax for 12 years, to her Tax is like a tree, it is the life force for the country, tax is dynamic, continuously changing and growing. Lee Ling is the conduit in charge of not just sharing these tax changes, also to bring Dr Choong's brilliant tax planning to the tax professionals and business community.
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