With the coming into effect of GST. The most commonly asked question received from employers is the concern of whether the limit for HRDF claim if before or after GST (ie. GST inclusive or exclusive).[br]
The following is extracted from HRDF website :[br]
“In line with the implementation of Goods & Services Tax (GST) on 1 April 2015, please be informed that Registered Employers are entitled to apply for financial assistance on training costs inclusive of GST subjected to the current terms and conditions offered by each PSMB’s Schemes. For more info, please refer to Item 3.1(v) stated in Employer Circular No. 16/2010.[br]
“Examination fee, registration fee, Goods and Services Tax (GST) and other government tax can be claimable besides course fee.”
Source: Employer Circular No. 16/2010 – Item 3.1(v)“[br]
[button link=”http://synergytas.academy/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/pmbi1610.pdf” target=”_blank” shape=”square” size=”medium” outline=”yes” color=”black” move=”no” external=”no”]Download circular[/button]