Latest Updates on Income Tax RPGT Sales & Services Tax With Comprehensive Tax Planning
Quick Facts
26 & 27 January 2021
(Thurs. & Fri.)29 & 30 December 2020 (Sold Out)
9:00 am - 7:00 pm daily
Sheraton Petaling Jaya, Selangor
We bring you Annual Malaysia Budget 2021 Tax Planning Seminar featuring Dr Choong Kwai Fatt as the speaker.
20 CPD
HRDF Claimable*
(*subject to employer obtaining prior approval from HRDF)
Limited seats available, subject to first come first served basis.
Government Allows Meetings & Seminars to be conducted.
Glad to inform that the seminar dates has been confirmed. We wouldn't know how long government will allow the live seminar to be conducted. Grab the chance to attend the seminar while available.
Budget 2021 Important tax planning + updates
Business Tax Planning, Transformation and Restructuring- incorporating Budget 2021 latest changes, development and updates
Malaysian business must act promptly and immediately to reposition, align, restructure and transform completely in order to be able to head on with the COVID pandemic era. The mantra of success and survival would be ‘do thing differently’ and ‘do different thing’.
The Government employed extensively macroeconomic policy tools to spearhead economy growth with public expenditure of RM322.5b followed by RM11.2b to B40 to boom domestic consumption, all in all would be able to lead the rebound Malaysia economy beginning 2021.
The two days seminar is a must to attend as it would completely reveal on the ‘how to’ eligible, to utilize the tax incentives as proposed in Budget Proposal 2021, PENJANA stimulus packages and the Finance Bill 2020. Only with tax efficiencies coupled with incentives and grants, Malaysian business able to sustain, to retain employees and to contribute growth.
Comprehensively Update Your Tax
Without Reading a Line of the Act !
There are long and lengthy changes happening each year due to changes in Amendment Act, Income Tax Act, Tax Cases, Public Ruling and Gazette Order.
Comprehensively Update and be ready for your 2020 and 2021 tax filing, all your compliance needs and know-how is covered and well taken care of without reading a line of the source documents.
Other than compliance update, here's part of the list of exciting changes you should look out for in this Budget 2021 !
2021 is the Year of Tax Audit and Investigation.
You hear it right! Tax audit and investigation is back “furiously”.
Various tax gaps will be patched up by issuing New Ruling and changes in law via this Malaysia Budget 2021 announcement. Businesses, Accounting and Tax Professionals need to revise the Action Plan and equip themselves with the Right Know-How based on Malaysia Budget 2021 Latest Key Changes.
Take advantage of the Attractive Incentives
With the ongoing intense trade war between China and America lies a business gap, The countries in South East Asia is hoping to benefit from this business gap. To win this Malaysia is throwing attractive Incentives and Fiscal Policy to attract Foreign Direct Investment where we needed most.
Budget 2021 is important as various Tax Planning Opportunities will be made available to allow Businesses to REFORMULATE its Business Strategies to push the Malaysian Economy up to Rise as Asian Tiger.
Malaysia is seeing an upward trend towards economy boom. Businesses will surely benefit from the comprehensive yet unique Tax Planning Strategies presented in this unique Malaysia Budget 2021 Tax Planning Seminar and the highlighting of various Tax Compliance Risks.
SO MANY RARE TAX PLANNING OPPORTUNITIES! This is not conventional Budget Seminar. Be safe by knowing how to correctly apply latest change in tax rules. ALSO have in hand Latest Exciting Tax Planning you want to grab immediately!
Join this seminar.
Grab these rare Malaysia Budget 2021 Tax Planning Opportunities.
We are HRDF claimable.
Your Speaker, Dr Choong Kwai Fatt, is know for his passion in sharing tax know-how. He is committed to high quality of presentation and insists that all materials are covered and gives as much value as possible. Therefore the schedule may vary.
Day 1 (Income Tax & RPGT)
26 January 2021 (Tues)
8:30 AM
Come early get a good seat.
9:00 AM
A. Tax rebate of RM20,000 for 3 YAs for new SME/LLP
- Incorporation
- Acquisition of business
- Development of new business
- LLP or SME – the choosing consideration
B. Business Expansion and Reformulation
- Renovation and refurbishment incentive
- Relocation to new location – deduction and prohibition
- Flexible work arrangement incentive and application
C. Human Resource Alignment:
- Retrenchment with new employment
- New employees with IT talent
- Compensation for loss of employment or gratuity payment – now or never
- IT gadgets to employees
- Aging employees with improved remuneration
- Repackage employees’ salaries with
- share of profit
- tax exempt benefits
- outsource functions and possibility
- flexible work arrangement
10:15 AM
10:30 AM
D. Plant and machinery
- the new ‘plant’ definition in para 70A, Sch 3
- review and planning
- refinance – fatal consideration
- accelerated capital allowance – inclusion and exclusion rules
- disposal now or later
E. Stock in trade
- Disposal for charity
- Exchange with investment
- Payment in lieu as remuneration
- Withdrawal stock for own use – application and implication
F. Trade debtors
- maximise deduction consideration
- bad debts provision – action and implementation
- bad debts written off – ‘how to’ approach
- contra debt – the working mechanism</li?
12:30 PM
While being in compliance with COVID’s SOP, rest assured you will still be served with beautiful and sumptuous meals.
1:30 PM
G. Investment Holding Company
- transform or reform?
- eligibility of preferential tax rate of 17% – the last resort
H. Real Property Gains Tax Planning
- individual exemption with disposal of 3 units
- IRB action to switch RPGT to income tax – the mitigation factor
- RPC shares – updates and development
- disposal of property to director or shareholder
- remission of penalty – cause of reason
- acquirer’s risk and responsibility – the retention sum [s 21B amendment]
- Finance Bill 2020 changes and development
I. Operating expenses – deduction consideration
- theft and defalcation by employee
- legal expense deduction
- loan to employees, service director, director with shareholding ≥ 20%
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
J. tax incentives – applications and complications
- private healthcare incentives
- relocation to Malaysia incentives
- approved incentive scheme [new ss 6(1A), 65B read with part XVII and part XVIII]
- expansion of reinvestment allowance
- global trading centre
- principal hub
- research & development – double deduction or single deduction
- group relief – new restriction
- crowdfunding equity incentive
- bionexus package
- industrialised building system – investment tax allowance application
K. Personal tax relief and rate
- RM200 tax reduction to M40 group
- computer, laptop acquisition
- child care relief
- upskill with new skill
- medical treatment
- many others as tabled in Finance Bill 2020
L. Tax administration
- tax filing – new duties
- notification from employer – mandatory items
- collection and recovery by IRB
5:00 PM
The most exciting part of this whole seminar! Tax is a private matter for all companies, it is rare for companies to open up with their questions and get answered by Dr Choong personally. It is very hot, practical and intense learning session. No worries your identify will always be kept anonymos.
…. More content will be added as changes from Budget
2021, Gazette Orders and Guidelines issued prior to event date.
Day 2 (Transfer Pricing, Sales & Services Tax)
27 January 2021 (Wed)
8:30 AM
Come early get a good seat.
9:00 AM
- conceptual framework
- controlled transactions – scope and ambit
- IRB’s discretion to disregard and recharacterize group structure
- the new s 140A(3A), (3B) application
- applications
- complications
- trading company for sales tax planning
- basis of profit allocation
- format and scope
- contents coverage
- penalty for non compliance [the new s 113B]
- surcharge on transfer pricing adjustment [the new s 140A(3C), (3D), 124(3)]
10:15 AM
10:30 AM
- advertisement in Google, Facebook
- online training – royalty or s 4A(ii) income?
- withholding tax absorbed – complications
- penalties computation and application
- service tax entanglement
- changes and development by Finance Bill 2020
- PENJANA incentives on exemption
- penalties – computation and applications
- IRB recovery action
- Minister of Finance to exempt – the new amendment [s 80(1A), new s 80B]
- changes and development by Finance Bill 2020
- restriction on deduction [s 39(1)(r) amendment]
- chargeable profit – the new scope
- assessment and appeal – the new way
- irrevocable election on chargeability – new scope
- alignment with income tax regime – the scope
12:30 PM
While being in compliance with COVID’s SOP, rest assured you will still be served with beautiful and sumptuous meals.
1:30 PM
- exemption and facilities – application
- subcontract manufacturing – C5 exemption and application
- approved major exporter scheme
- sales tax deduction – computation and application
- sales tax refund
- buy local, export overseas – sales tax exemption facilities
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
- Scope and ambit
- Imported taxable services
- the far fetch effect
- service tax exemption
- IT exemption application
- Digital service tax
- Application and its scope
- Crossline with imported taxable service: demarcation point
- Group relief
- Business to Business (B2B) exemption
- application and complication
- exclusion list
- advertising company dilemma
- Intragroup service tax relief
- With overseas companies
- With Malaysian company only
- Provision of services to non related parties
- Safe harbour rule of 5%
- Reimbursement is now taxable service
- Exclusion from service tax
- Demarcation with disbursement
- Training, coaching and mentor guidance
- Online
- Face to face
- From overseas
- Within Malaysia
- The service tax complications
5:00 PM
The most exciting part of this whole seminar! Tax is a private matter for all companies, it is rare for companies to open up with their questions and get answered by Dr Choong personally. It is very hot, practical and intense learning session. No worries your identify will always be kept anonymos.
…. More content will be added as changes from Budget
2021, Gazette Orders and Guidelines issued prior to event date.
Join this seminar.
Grab these rare Malaysia Budget 2021 Tax Planning Opportunities.
We are HRDF claimable.
Who is this for?
Created for Business Owners, Accountants, Financial Personnel, Company Directors and you of course.
(Personnel involved in Managing the Company)
Shareholders and Directors are exposed to Personal Risk of Travel Restriction, Personal Liability to pay for “Tax Undercharged” and Company Bankruptcy. Therefore Shareholders and Directors must have personal understanding of what are the latest risks they are facing and ensure the right safeguard is in place. Especially to take advantage of available Tax Incentives, Business Recovery, Corporate Restructuring ideas and Tax Planning Opportunities. (Applicable to all industry)
The Advisors need to gear up and patch up your dose of Know-How from this Annual Malaysia Budget 2021 Seminar in view of this ongoing Covid-19 pandemic that is happening locally as well as internationally.
Get the Latest Malaysia Budget 2021 Approach implemented by ruling Government, latest KNOW HOW and New Action Plan needed.
Applying a MFRS and SST are tough enough, plus Companies Act changes which is bringing Malaysian Business Structure change and cut across all industries in your accounting work. NOW there is another wave of change in New Government Business Direction with the regards of Covid-19 that you MUST BE READY FOR.
How will it affect your Business Direction, Accounting Entries, Documentation from now onwards and all the compliance requirements and thresholds involved. There are ample work to PATCH UP on the missing UPDATES.
Join this seminar.
Grab these rare Malaysia Budget 2021 Tax Planning Opportunities.
Dr Choong Kwai Fatt
Dr Choong Kwai Fatt is an acknowledged tax authority and a leading tax specialist in Malaysia, highly sought after speaker and provided tax consultancy services to listed companies, audit firms, legal firms and the Malaysian Government for more than 25 years.

Like a diamond with multiple façade, Dr Choong shines for his depth of tax knowledge, rare combination of skill and experience derived from being a speaker, writer, researcher, advocate and solicitor, consultant and his passion towards tax education.
Collectively this has resulted in his outstanding presentation skill and charming persona as a speaker and advisor.
Join this seminar.
Grab these rare Malaysia Budget 2021 Tax Planning Opportunities.
We are HRDF claimable.
Choose the right category based on the number of participants.
Group of
1 - 2 Pax
2 Days Tax Planning and Complete Latest Tax Update Seminar by Dr Choong Kwai Fatt.
Early Bird Price Ends on 9.10.2020.
Hotel has strict SOP to follow, so seats are limited and subject to first come, first served basis.
Group of
3 - 4 Pax
Since you register in group of 3 to 4 participants, you enjoy extra RM 200 off each participant.
= RM 2,576 per pax for Two Days]
Early Bird Price Ends on 9.10.2020.
Hotel has strict SOP to follow, so seat are limited and subject to first come, first served basis.
Group of
5 Pax or more
Want RM400 off ? Easy, just register together in group of 5 or more.
= RM 2,376 per pax for Two Days]
Early Bird Price Ends on 9.10.2020.
Hotel has strict SOP to follow, so seat are limited and subject to first come, first served basis.
tax planning seminar is rare to come by.
Need a copy of the
We provide both. The view online or the download pdf version.
Join this seminar.
Grab these rare Malaysia Budget 2021 Tax Planning Opportunities.
Most frequent questions we received.
No. The CPD stated on the Certificate of Attendance is as awarded by the Training Provider in recognition of the hours spent learning with the respective Speaker/ Trainer.
Unfortunately, it is subject to the discretion of the respective institution whether or not to accept the point or otherwise.
Yes, we do understand plans are always subject to change. Do provide us the name 10 Days prior to the event date. If change of name were to notify after we have printed the Certificate of Attendance, reprinting of cert can be done with a Certificate Reprinting Administrative Fees of RM 100.
No. We wish we can answer yes to this. Our Seminar is based on latest and most up to date information, rules and regulations, with a cut off point of 1 to 2 weeks before the event. The earliest date for us to get the seminar materials from the Trainer/ Speaker is 1 – 2 days prior to event date. In this regards, we will have to turn down all request to deliver materials prior to event date.
Unfortunately, most of the sessions will not be repeated. Should there be a similar session, you can change to other session of the same event, subject to availability.
Refund is not possible as all seating arrangement with venue and printing of materials have been arranged and put in place. However, we can accept replacement by informing us via email 10 days prior to the event.
Yes. This seminar does not just cover the surface Updates or Latest Developments, it covers the most crucial question : “How to implement and embed them into my Company System?”
Join Us and Expect to take away How Practical Solutions and Implementation Pointers.
We distinguish ourselves based on three areas. We are specialist in arranging effective and quality seminars.
We are also reputable event organising company set up to organise Advanced Tax Planning event. Our motto is to encourage the policy of “Plan Your Tax, Do NOT Evade Tax.”
Our Participants mainly consist of Corporate Leaders, Practitioners and Senior Executives, we hold firm to the view that we must do all it takes to maximise learning and impact in a minimum amount of time. We take pride in providing the most updated and well researched information.
Yes, our events are HRDF Claimable*
(*Subject to PSMB’s approvals by Participants)
This applies to Company that is contributing to HRDF Fund.
Usually as per the information we gather from Participants over the years, register and get the Invoice first.
Then, together with the Brochure, submit both Invoice and Brochure to HRDF for pre-approval (usually takes about 3 to 5 working days).
Once pre-approved, please proceed to to make payment to Synergy TAS PLT.
Company can claim back the money from PSMB after participants attended the event by submitting both the Certificate of Attendance and Official Receipt from us.
If you have the latest updates as to how to claim HRDF, please do share with us via
Thank you for sharing!